Tuesday, March 17, 2020

On Covid Policy Options

There is no doubt that coronavirus is going to impact our communities going forward in a big way. Some policy options that we should be considering at this time would include:
  1. Universal basic income-with large numbers of people not working, $1500 a month would be welcome and help support the economy in this difficult time.
  2. Year round schooling. Schools are going to be shut down for at least a month. We could make this up with a return to classes over the summer. Further, experts have long agreed that year round schooling is better for kids because they retain more information without the long breaks. This policy should stay in place even when The coronavirus scare has passed. 
  3. Our healthcare system will face a difficult task moving forward and the women and men who work in this system will all rightfully deserve our gratitude and thanks. We should consider making a national holiday celebrating our healthcare system, its roots, its strengths, and its people.
On a personal note, I want to thank the great many people who are doing extraordinary things every day to ensure that people who may be “Shut in“ as a result of the coronavirus, are taken care of. Businesses are showing leadership-like Calgary Co-op by delivering care packages free of charge to those who are quarantined as a result of the virus. On that note, if we are shopping try and “shop local“. There are many small businesses that are struggling and could use our support.

On a final note, although we will be practising “social distancing“, When we do interact with our fellow travelers let’s be extraordinarily kind. We will get through this and we will rise stronger together.

Our best days still lie ahead!